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 Creative failures...? 

 I tend to keep reworking falures, as  per my 'palimpsest' approach, so many of these are buried underneath more successful paintings.





Got bored with it...

Ghost trees III

Ghost trees III

too vague

Red valley

Red valley

Overpainted, and lost the saturated colour





All wrong, wrong!

First  time back

First time back

Hadn't painted in about 10 years, and it shows!

Dracula's bridge

Dracula's bridge

It looked better when I painted it back in January....

Australian beach

Australian beach

Couldn't get the right perspective, so used this as the basis for 'Slashed light'

Lost water

Lost water

This was shaping up well and then I ruined it by overpainting.

Flanders field

Flanders field

This was originally a pallid landscape that I tried to rework into something to do with trees and fire (or blood), but not very convincingly.....

Eye of the storm

Eye of the storm

'Flanders field' then became this, but everyone hated it, so it's going toward the rubbish heap...the canvas has been so overworked, it's actually come loose on the stretcher.

Flat mountain

Flat mountain

Mountains, mountains...

Mountains, mountains...

More  mountains....

More mountains....

Lakes? Hmm....

Lakes? Hmm....

And we have... a tram. Why?

And we have... a tram. Why?



Trying to get the sky right - but not much else in this

Storm and ship

Storm and ship

I liked it but nobody else did



This one got some good feedback, but it lacked movement to me; it's been painted over 5 times...

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